Thursday, July 12, 2007

The nightless night

These pictures are from the Midsummer night three weeks ago. I was with some friends in one of the small islands that are scattered in front of Helsinki and surrounding cities. It was wonderfuly peacefull and the boat ride there was so much fun.

I took these a little before midnight and as you can see it's still quite light. The darkest hour of the night is of course at 1 am because of the daylight savings and here in the southern parts the sun does set every night.

I just wanted you to see how beautiful Finnish summer can be. This is also an excuse for the very slow posting. Before long it will be dark when we get up and dark when we come home, so I'm trying to enjoy the light while it lasts. I will keep posting through out the summer but probably the pace will be slow. I promise it will get better in the September at the latest...


Anonymous said...

Å så vackra bilder! Här uppe i nordligaste Sverige så har vi ju ljust dygnet runt. Jag skulle gärna ha mörkt på kvällarna, det skulle vara så mysigt att kunna sitta ute vid en brasa och mysa och att få ha varmt och mörkt samtidigt.

Anonymous said...

Ja, troligen sa det ar