Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Workspace dreams

When you're suposed to use most of your day sitting by your computer you start wishing you had a good chair, nice table and proper lighting. Right now I really don't. These pieces from Design Whithin Reach have been tickling my fancy lately.


Anonymous said...

Ja herregud min arbetsplats ser ut som skrutt, måste nog ta och fixa till här lite efter att ha sett hur fint det skulle kunna vara. Ja, inte precis såå fint, det har jag inte budget till, men...

Shell said...

Hi Laura!

I'm so sorry for just noticing your comments on my blog about the Lacroix dinnerware. I was ill for about a month, and paying little attention to anything!

You can email me at about the beautiful range and anything else. Next time you come to Sydney we should meet up!


Laura said...

I was really confused there for a while... But no, those comments were not mine. It was just someone with the same name.

I have never been to Australia and I'm afraid I'm not coming that way any time soon :(

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Where are you? Pls post!

Laura said...

Thanks for all the comments! These last weeks have been so crazy that I haven't had the time (or even remembered) to post at all.

How ever, I will try to make time for one tomorrow morning. It will be the last from Sweden for now, since I'm moving back to Finland at 4pm.

Anonymous said...

Laura, var är du....

Unknown said...

I'm sure this working space will make more soothing and calming can ease your mind too, making your job much easier. I love this kind of home furniture you have in your working place, very neat.