Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Back from Istanbul

So I am back from my holiday trip to Turkey, more accurately Istanbul. It was a wonderful trip and Istanbul is now definitely among my favourite cities in the world. Only when I started to unpack my suitcase I realized just how bad the air quality in Istanbul must be; all my clothes reek as if I had lived past ten days in a very dodgy bar.

We have tried to count exactly how much money we spent and on what and it seems that about one third went to kebap, one third to entrance fees and one third to my souvenirs. But it was all definitely worth it.

I had actually been to Istanbul once before but I was about ten years old back then so my memories were not that clear. The city proved to be much more modern and European than I had expected and at the same time much dustier, busier and larger than I could have ever imagined. It always impresses me to see how people are living their everyday lives on top of so many layers of ancient history.

I am going to post some pictures from my trip soon but here is one already.

The top picture from LivingEtc, the bottom picture by me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Å så jättefina bilder du har tagit! Verkligen JÄTTE-fina!