Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sorry for the absence

First of all, I am shocked and sorry to see how long it has been since my last post. I kind of thought it had been two or three weeks at most. I guess time really flies when you're having fun...

Seriously, the last two months have been absolutely insane. I had to finish all the school work in Sweden (write papers, go to seminars, prepare oppositions, take exams...) and prepare my move back to Finland. Then I had two days here to move into the new apartment, before starting my summer internship in new project with new people. And rest of the June has gone to sorting out all paper work, unpacking, meeting friends and family and just generally adjusting.

All in all, it has been ten times more stresful than I anticipated. I guess I thought coming back home would be effortless compared to moving abroad but actually it is every bit as difficult. Except that here I can communicate in my native tongue, whereas in Sweden I was stuck with my fourth strongest language.

Anyway, now my life begins to be back on track so hopefully I will be posting more regularly from now on. Thanks for everyone who has visited and left comments in the past weeks!


Anonymous said...

Heej, vad kul att du är tillbaka! Jasså är svenska ditt fjärde språk, hur många språk talar du människa? :) Vill du att jag ska skriva på engelska eller går det bra såhär. Vad skönt att komma hem, även om det kanske tar ett tag för dig att acklimatiseras. Jag minns att det tog en sommar för mig då jag flyttade tillbaka från USA till Sverige innan svenskan var så där perfekt igen, men då pratade jag ju bara engelska där och tom drömde på engelska. Jag sa ofta tunafisk istället för tonfisk. Jag vet jag är en tönt. Vad har du gått för skola i Sverige och vad har du tagit för examen. Grattis till det förresten!

Laura said...

Hi, thanks for the comment. It's no problem for me to read Swedish but I'll answer in English this time... So that other visitors can understand as well.

I can speak Finnish, English, German and Swedish. I have studied some france as well, but I can't say I speak it. Next I'd like to take up spanish. Vi får se... It's quite common in Finland to study three or four foreign languages. Although Swedish is not actually a foreign language, it the second official language.

in Stockholm I was studying strategy and international business in the department of industrial economics at the KTH (Royal Institute of Technology). It was only one year and it will be part of my masters degree in chemical engineering.

Anyway, thanks for encouragement. I'm sure Finland will soon start to feel like my real home again.