More interesting is that there are heaps of old beliefs connected to certain name days. For example it was believed that if you wanted to have a good crop the next year you should not do any work on the day of Martti in November.
One of the beliefs that still survives is that the waters start getting cold on the day of Jaakko. It is said that Jaakko throws a cold stone into the lake. As it happens, my boy friend is called Jaakko and his name day was yesterday. I hope he didn't sneek out to throw any stones because I still intend to do a lot of swimming this summer.
Tomorrow is also special but for another reason. It is called "unikeon päivä" which means the sleepy head's day. The person in a household that sleeps the longest will be the official sleepy head. Since I'm on sick leave because of my flu, I'm afraid that will be me.